Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Transfer 3, Week 2, July 7, 2014

So this week has been a lot better than previous weeks. We still
haven't found any new investigators, but three of our current
investigators went to church this past week. It was super cool. We
were also able to contact B for the first time in four or
five weeks. Ever since the first baptismal date past he had, he had
disappeared. But we stopped by his place this Saturday, and he was
home. We had a wonderful conversation to see where he was and he
agreed to come to church. And he stayed for all three hours! It
was his first time staying the entire time. Also, we were able to set
a date with Y! It was super cool. We stopped by her place
on Wednesday, and she invited us in, we had brought our ward mission
leader with us, another miracle. She told us that she had been
reading the Book of Mormon Tuesday night, and she felt like it was
true. We asked her what she thought the next step would be for her,
and she said that she wanted to be baptized! Her baptismal date is
set for the 14th of September. It is a little far away, but it gives
her time to kick some bad habits, and it was her mom's birthday, so
that date means a lot to her.

So last week, we had arranged to walk M to church, and he
bailed on us. This past week when we went to meet with him, we spent
the entire time trying to commit him to come to church. And after
about an hour, he finally committed to come. It was a really amazing
experience. Some of the things that were said could only have come
from the Spirit. And then he still came to church! The only problem
was that they both went to High Priest's, and the lesson was from the
Lectures on Faith. So that night we went back over to B's place to
do damage control. Apparently he had walked out of High Priests halfway through the lesson. He was a little upset by some of the things
that were said in Gospel Essentials, so we were super worried about
him. So we went to talk with him and had another really good
conversation with him. And even better, B still wants to get
baptized! He just needs to kick a few habits before that can happen.
But he wants it!

I love you,
Elder Peterson

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